Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Contact Information: E mail allenp@dcpsmd.org Telephone (410) 228-9224 Class Location and Time: Room D-61B • Classes are 50 minutes in duration. • Advanced Placement Environmental Science is full year course. Teacher Planning Period 4 / 11:10 – 12:00 Period 5 (7-8) / 12:05 - 12:55 Barring meetings or other prior engagements I am also available most days after school for help sessions. Please check with me for available times. Introduction The AP Environmental Science course is designed to be the equivalent of a one semester, introductory college course in environmental science. T h e Course The goal of the AP Environmental Science course is to provide students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world, to identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and human-made, to evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and to examine alternative solutions for resolving or preventing them. Environmental science is interdisciplinary; it embraces a wide variety of topics from different areas of study. Prerequisites The AP Environmental Science course is an excellent option for any interested student who has completed two years of high school laboratory science—one year of life science and one year of physical science (for example, a year of biology and a year of chemistry). Due to the quantitative analysis that is required in the course, students should also have taken at least one year of algebra. Because of the prerequisites, AP Environmental Science will usually be taken in either the junior or senior year. TOPIC OUTLINE I. EARTH SYSTEMS AND RESOURCES A. Earth Science Concepts (Geologic time scale; plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanism; seasons; solar intensity and latitude) B. The Atmosphere (Composition; structure; weather and climate; atmospheric circulation and the Coriolis Effect; atmosphere–ocean interactions; ENSO) C. Global Water Resources and Use (Freshwater/saltwater; ocean circulation; agricultural, industrial, and domestic use; surface and groundwater issues; global problems; conservation) D. Soil and Soil Dynamics (Rock cycle; formation; composition; physical and chemical properties; main soil types; erosion and other soil problems; soil conservation) II. THE LIVING WORLD A. Ecosystem Structure (Biological populations and communities; ecological niches; interactions among species; keystone species; species diversity and edge effects; major terrestrial and aquatic biomes) B. Energy Flow (Photosynthesis and cellular respiration; food webs and trophic levels; ecological pyramids) C. Ecosystem Diversity (Biodiversity; natural selection; evolution; ecosystem services) D. Natural Ecosystem Change (Climate shifts; species movement; ecological succession) E. Natural Biogeochemical Cycles (Carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, water, conservation of matter) III. POPULATION A. Population Biology Concepts (Population ecology; carrying capacity; reproductive strategies; survivorship) B. Human Population 1. Human population dynamics (Historical population sizes; distribution; fertility rates; growth rates and doubling times; demographic transition; age-structure diagrams) 2. Population size (Strategies for sustainability; case studies; national policies) 3. Impacts of population growth (Hunger; disease; economic effects; resource use; habitat destruction) IV. LAND AND WATER USE A. Agriculture 1. Feeding a growing population (Human nutritional requirements; types of agriculture; Green Revolution; genetic engineering and crop production; deforestation; irrigation; sustainable agriculture) 2. Controlling pests (Types of pesticides; costs and benefits of pesticide use; integrated pest management; relevant laws) B. Forestry (Tree plantations; old growth forests; forest fires; forest management; national forests) C. Rangelands (Overgrazing; deforestation; desertification; rangeland management; federal rangelands) D. Other Land Use 1. Urban land development (Planned development; suburban sprawl; urbanization) 2. Transportation infrastructure (Federal highway system; canals and channels; roadless areas; ecosystem impacts) 3. Public and federal lands (Management; wilderness areas; national parks; wildlife refuges; forests; wetlands) 4. Land conservation options (Preservation; remediation; mitigation; restoration) 5. Sustainable land-use strategies E. Mining (Mineral formation; extraction; global reserves; relevant laws and treaties) F. Fishing (Fishing techniques; overfishing; aquaculture; relevant laws and treaties) G. Global Economics (Globalization; World Bank; Tragedy of the Commons; relevant laws and treaties) V. ENERGY RESOURCES AND CONSUMPTION A. Energy Concepts (Energy forms; power; units; conversions; Laws of Thermodynamics) B. Energy Consumption 1. History (Industrial Revolution; exponential growth; energy crisis) 2. Present global energy use 3. Future energy needs C. Fossil Fuel Resources and Use (Formation of coal, oil, and natural gas; extraction/purification methods; world reserves and global demand; synfuels; environmental advantages/disadvantages of sources) D. Nuclear Energy (Nuclear fission process; nuclear fuel; electricity production; nuclear reactor types; environmental advantages/disadvantages; safety issues; radiation and human health; radioactive wastes; nuclear fusion) E. Hydroelectric Power (Dams; flood control; salmon; silting; other impacts) F. Energy Conservation (Energy efficiency; CAFE standards; hybrid electric vehicles; mass transit) G. Renewable Energy (Solar energy; solar electricity; hydrogen fuel cells; biomass; wind energy; small-scale hydroelectric; ocean waves and tidal energy; geothermal; environmental advantages/disadvantages) VI. POLLUTION A. Pollution Types 1. Air pollution (Sources—primary and secondary; major air pollutants; measurement units; smog; acid deposition—causes and effects; heat islands and temperature inversions; indoor air pollution; remediation and reduction strategies; Clean Air Act and other relevant laws) 2. Noise pollution (Sources; effects; control measures) 3. Water pollution (Types; sources, causes, and effects; cultural eutrophication; groundwater pollution; maintaining water quality; water purification; sewage treatment/septic systems; Clean Water Act and other relevant laws) 4. Solid waste (Types; disposal; reduction) B. Impacts on the Environment and Human Health 1. Hazards to human health (Environmental risk analysis; acute and chronic effects; dose-response relationships; air pollutants; smoking and other risks) 2. Hazardous chemicals in the environment (Types of hazardous waste; treatment/disposal of hazardous waste; cleanup of contaminated sites; biomagnification; relevant laws) C. Economic Impacts (Cost-benefit analysis; externalities; marginal costs; sustainability) VII. GLOBAL CHANGE A. Stratospheric Ozone (Formation of stratospheric ozone; ultraviolet radiation; causes of ozone depletion; effects of ozone depletion; strategies for reducing ozone depletion; relevant laws and treaties) B. Global Warming (Greenhouse gases and the greenhouse effect; impacts and consequences of global warming; reducing climate change; relevant laws and treaties) C. Loss of Biodiversity 1. Habitat loss; overuse; pollution; introduced species; endangered and extinct species 2. Maintenance through conservation 3. Relevant laws and treaties SOME ADVICE This class is very challenging. To do well you must focus, pay strict attention, use your higher order thinking skills, take good notes, use your curiosity and STUDY every night! Vocabulary and other memorization can be best handled with the use of your text, handouts, notes, graded quizzes and by drilling with flash cards. Draw and redraw diagrams to clarify and practice processes or concepts. If you have questions or difficulty understanding anything, please ask me to explain. First and foremost, I am here to help. It is my hope that you will learn many interesting things and to come away from this course enriched and prepared to do well on the Advanced Placement Environmental Science Exam. GRADING POLICY Grades will be computed as follows: • Exams: 40% • Quizzes: 20% • Homework / class work: 20% • Labs: 10% • Projects: 10% Checking grades in Powergrade is the responsibility of the student, and any appeals to published grades must be accompanied by the work in question. It is advisable that you retain papers for the duration of the year to assist in studying for quizzes and exams. Make-up work is only available to those students with excused absences from class. All work must be made up within 5 days of receipt for full credit. Unexcused late work will not be accepted. This course satisfies one of the three science credits required for high school graduation. “Truth is the drive at the center of science: it must have the habit of truth, not as a dogma but as a process.” ~J. Bron

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Welcome back! Viking Way!

Contact Information:
E mail allenp@dcpsmd.org
Telephone (410) 228-9224
Planning/Office Hours Period: 4

Available most days after school for tutoring barring meetings or other commitments . Please check with instructor.

Room D-61-B

Biology 1 Course Syllabus

This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of organisms and body systems. This is an assessed class – it will give the student groundwork in concepts for use in future classes in the sciences and will prepare them for the High School Assessment (HSA) test.


Concepts of Biology: The student will demonstrate the ability to use scientific skills and processes (Core Learning Goal 1) and major biological concepts to explain the uniqueness and interdependence of living organisms, their interactions with the environment, and the continuation of life on earth.
Core Learning Goal Expectation 3.1: The student will be able to explain the correlation between the structure and function of biologically important molecules and their relationship to cell processes.
Core Learning Goal Expectation 3.2: The student will demonstrate an understanding that all organisms are composed of cells which can function independently or as part of multi-cellular organisms.
Core Learning Goal Expectation 3.3: The student will analyze how traits are inherited and passed on from one generation to another.

Indicator 3.1.1: The student will be able to describe the unique characteristics of chemical substances and macromolecules utilized by living systems.
Assessment limits:
• water (inorganic molecule, polarity, density, and solvent properties)
• carbohydrates (organic molecule; monosaccharides are building blocks; supplier of energy and dietary fiber; structural component of cells: cell wall, cellulose)
• lipids (organic molecule; component of cell membranes; stored energy supply)
• proteins (organic molecule; amino acids are building blocks; structural and functional role, including enzymes)
• nucleic acids (organic molecule; nucleotides are building blocks - sugar, phosphate, & nitrogen bases; DNA is a double helix, RNA is a single strand; DNA replication; DNA role in storage of genetic information)
• minerals (inorganic substances essential for cellular processes)
• vitamins (organic molecule; role in human body: C – wound healing, K – blood clotting, D – bone growth)
Indicator 3.1.2: The student will be able to discuss factors involved in the regulation of chemical activity as part of a homeostatic mechanism.
Assessment limits:
• osmosis (predicting water flow across a membrane based on the cell’s environment; explain role in living systems)
• temperature (effect upon enzyme activity and metabolic rate; effect upon rate of diffusion and states of matter)
• pH (pH scale: relative values for acids and bases; effect on living systems: cellular, organismal)
• enzyme regulation (effect of temperature, pH, and enzyme/substrate concentration on enzyme activity)

Indicator 3.2.1: The student will explain processes and the function of related structures found in unicellular and multi-cellular organisms.
Assessment limits:
• transportation of materials (role of cellular membranes; role of vascular tissues in plants and animals; role of circulatory systems)
• waste disposal (role of cellular membrane; role of excretory and circulatory systems)
• movement (cellular – flagella, cilia, pseudopodia; interaction between skeletal and muscular systems)
• feedback (maintaining cellular and organismal homeostasis - water balance, pH, temperature, role of endocrine system)
• asexual (binary fission, budding, vegetative, mitosis: role in growth and repair, chromosome number remains the same) and sexual reproduction (angiosperms, mammals)
• control of structures (cellular organelles and human systems) and related functions (role of nucleus, role of sensory organs and nervous system)
• capture and release of energy (chloroplasts, mitochondria)
• protein synthesis (ribosomes)
Indicator 3.2.2: The student will conclude that cells exist within a narrow range of environmental conditions and changes to that environment, either naturally occurring or induced, may cause changes in the metabolic activity of the cell or organism.
Assessment limits:

• pH
• temperature
• light
• water
• oxygen
• carbon dioxide
• radiation (role in cancer or mutations)
• toxic substances (natural, synthetic)

Indicator 3.1.3: The student will be able to compare the transfer and use of matter and energy in photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic organisms.
Assessment limits:
• photosynthesis (energy conversion: light, chemical; basic molecules involved)
• cellular respiration (distinctions between aerobic and anaerobic, energy released, use of oxygen; basic molecules involved in aerobic)
• chemosynthesis (from inorganic compounds)
• ATP (energy carrier molecule)
Indicator 3.3.1: The student will demonstrate that the sorting and recombination of genes during sexual reproduction has an effect on variation in offspring.
Assessment limits:
• meiosis (process that forms gametes; chromosome number reduced by one-half; crossing-over occurs; new gene combinations)
• fertilization (combination of gametes to form zygote)
Indicator 3.3.2: The student will illustrate and explain how expressed traits are passed from parent to offspring.
Assessment limits:
• phenotypes (expression of inherited characteristics)
• dominant and recessive traits
• sex-linked traits (X-linked only; recessive phenotypes are more often expressed in the male)
• genotypes (represented by heterozygous and homozygous pairs of alleles)
• Punnett square (use to predict and/or interpret the results of a genetic cross; translate genotypes into phenotypes - monohybrid only)
• Pedigree (use to interpret patterns of inheritance within a family)
Indicator 3.3.3: The student will explain how a genetic trait is determined by the code in a DNA molecule.
Assessment limits:
• definition of gene (a segment of DNA that codes for a protein or RNA)
• sequence of nitrogen bases directing protein formation (role of DNA, mRNA, tRNA, rRNA)
• proteins determine traits
Indicator 3.3.4: The student will interpret how the effects of DNA alteration can be beneficial or harmful to the individual, society, and/or the environment.
Assessment limits:
• mutations
• chromosome number (abnormalities)
• genetic engineering (gene splicing, recombinant DNA, cloning)

Established Goal: Indicator 3.2.1b: The students will explain processes and the function of related structures found in multi-cellular organisms.

Essential Question: How are form and function related within body systems of organisms?

• How do the major systems of organisms interact?
• What is homeostasis and how is it maintained?
• How do single celled organisms perform the same functions as multi-celled organisms?
• Feedback mechanisms
• Different strategies of reproduction
• The various types of reproduction
• Know the vascular systems of plants and animals
• The functions of each of the major systems in plants and animals

Comprehensive Final Exam

• Biggs, A., Kapicka, C., Lundgren, L. Biology: The Dynamics of Life. Glencoe / McGraw-Hill. 2004.

• McGraw-Hill Learning Network www.mhln.com
• www.biosurf.com
• http://mrallenscience.blogspot.com/
• http://mdk12.org/instruction/curriculum/science/clg_toolkit.html

Please have the following on hand every day in class.
 Three ring binder with dividers
 Writing utensil (no red or pink ink please)
 3X5 index cards


Classroom Rules
All students are expected to follow school rules as outlined in the Cambridge-South Dorchester High School Student Handbook. My classroom rules and consequences for breaking those rules are:

1. Be in your seat when the bell rings.
2. Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself.
3. Follow directions the first time they are given.
4. No cursing or teasing.
5. If you wish to speak please raise your hand.

If You Choose to Break a Rule
Warn and counsel.
Parent contact.
Parent conference.
After school detention (30 minutes/1 hour).
Written referral and student sent to office.

In the case of a severe disruption: The student will be sent to the office immediately – and a referral written.


This class is challenging. To do well you must focus, pay strict attention, use your higher order thinking skills, take good notes, use your curiosity and STUDY every night! Vocabulary and other memorization can be best handled with the use of your text, handouts, notes, graded quizzes and by drilling with flash cards. A picture is worth a thousand words. So draw and redraw diagrams to clarify and practice processes or concepts. If you have questions or difficulty understanding anything, please ask me to explain. First and foremost, I am here to help.
It is my hope that you will learn many interesting things and to come away from this course enriched and prepared to do well on the HSA.

Grading Policy
Term grades will be computed as follows:
• Exams: 40%
• Quizzes: 20%
• Homework / class work: 20%
• Labs: 10%
• Projects: 10%
Your grade from the first term and second terms are each worth 45% of your semester grade. The remaining 10% of your grade is determined by your final exam score.
Checking grades in Powergrade is the responsibility of the student, and any appeals to published grades must be accompanied by the work in question. It is advisable that you retain papers for the duration of the semester to assist in studying for cumulative quizzes and the final exam.
Make-up work is only available to those students with excused absences from class. All work must be made up within 5 days of receipt for full credit. Unexcused late work will not be accepted.
This course satisfies one of the three science credits required for high school graduation.

“Truth is the drive at the center of science:
it must have the habit of truth, not as a dogma but as a process.”
~J. Bronowski
Physical Science Course Syllabus

Holt Physical Science

Online Resources:
Holt Online Learning www.hrw.com/online

Course Objective:
Chemistry and physics help explain our universe. This course is a broad overview of the physical sciences. It is designed to provide a fundamental understanding of measurement and scientific method, including objective critical thinking, experimental design, and data analysis. The properties, composition and structure of matter as well as motion, mechanics, light, heat, electricity and sound will be covered. This is a preassessed class – it will give the student groundwork in these important science concepts for use in future classes in the sciences and will prepare them for the High School Assessment test.

Course Syllabus:
Chapter 1-- Introduction to Science and Measurement—Objectives
1. Define the different branches of physical science and know what they entail.
2. Scientific method – determine the differences between variables and controls in an experiment.
3. Know the relationship between theory and law.
4. Review measurement and units.
5. Use the factor label method to convert measured or calculated quantities from one unit to another
6. Scientific notation – a way to express really big and really small numbers easily.
7. Use an algebraic equation to solve for an unknown quantity, given or having calculated all the other quantities in the equation.
Chapter 2-- Properties of Matter— Objectives

1. Explain the relationship between matter, atoms and elements.
2. Distinguish between element, and compounds.
3. Describe molecules and how they are formed.
4. Interpret and write some common chemical formulas.
5. Categorize materials as pure substances or mixtures.
6. Distinguish between the physical and chemical properties of matter.
7. Perform calculations involving density.
8. Explain how materials are suited for different uses based on their physical properties, and give examples.
9. Describe characteristic properties and give some examples.
10. Explain physical change, and give some examples of physical changes.
11. Explain chemical change and give some examples of chemical changes.
12. Compare and contrast physical and chemical changes.
13. Describe how to detect when a chemical change has occurred.
Chapter 3 – States of Matter – Objectives
1. Summarize the main points of the kinetic theory of matter.
2. Describe how temperature relates to kinetic energy.
3. Describe the 4 states of matter.
4. List the different changes in state, and describe how particles behave in each state.
5. State the Law of Conservation of Mass and Conservation of Energy and explain how they apply to changes of state.
6. Fluids: Describe the buoyant force and explain how it keeps objects afloat.
7. Define Archimedes’ principle.
8. Explain the role of density in an object’s ability to float.
9. State and apply Pascal’s and Bernoulli’s principles.
10. Explain how gases differ from solids and liquids.
11. State and explain the following gas laws: Boyle’s law, Charles’ Law, and Gay-Lussac’s law.
12. Describe the relationship between gas pressure, temperature and volume.
Chapter 4 – Atoms and the Periodic Table—Objectives
1. Explain Dalton’s atomic theory, and explain why it was more successful than Democritus’s theory.
2. State the charge, mass and location of each part of an atom according to the modern model of the atom.
3. Compare and contrast Bohr’s model with the modern model of the atom.
4. Relate the organization of the periodic table to the number of protons and the arrangement of electrons within an atom.
5. Explain why some atoms gain or lose electrons to form ions.
6. Determine how many protons, neutrons and electrons an atom has, given its symbol, atomic number, and mass number.
7. Describe how the abundance of isotopes affects an element’s average atomic mass.
8. Locate alkali metals, alkaline-earth metals, and transition metals in the periodic table.
9. Locate semiconductors, halogens, and noble gases in the periodic table.
10. Relate an element’s chemical properties to the electron arrangement of its atoms.
Chapter 5 – The Structure of Matter – Objectives
1. Distinguish between compounds and mixtures.
2. Relate the chemical formula of a compound to the relative numbers of atoms or ions present in the compound.
3. Use models to visualize a compound’s chemical structure.
4. Describe how the chemical structure of a compound affects its properties.
5. Explain why atoms sometimes join to form bonds.
6. Explain why some atoms transfer their valence electrons to form ionic bonds, while other atoms share valence electrons to form covalent bonds.
7. Differentiate between ionic, covalent, and metallic bonds.
8. Compare the properties of substances with different types of bonds.
9. Name simple ionic and covalent compounds.
10. Predict the charge of a transition metal cation in an ionic compound.
11. Write the chemical formulas for simple ionic compounds.
12. Distinguish a covalent compound’s empirical formula from its molecular formula.
13. Describe how carbon atoms bond covalently to form organic compounds.
14. Understand photosynthesis and the carbon cycle.
15. Identify the names and structures of groups of simple organic compounds and polymers.
16. Identify what makes up the polymers that are essential to life.
Chapter 6 – Chemical Reactions – Objectives
1. Recognize some signs that a chemical reaction may be taking place.
2. Explain chemical changes in terms of the structure and motion of atoms and molecules.
3. Describe the difference between endothermic and exothermic reactions.
4. Identify situations involving chemical energy.
5. Distinguish among the five types of chemical reactions.
6. Predict the products of some reactions based on the reaction type.
7. Describe reactions that transfer or share electrons between molecules, atoms, or ions.
8. Demonstrate how to balance chemical equations.
9. Interpret chemical equations to determine the relative number of moles of reactants needed and moles of products formed.
10. Explain how the law of definite proportions allows for predictions about reaction amounts.
11. Identify mole ratios in a balanced chemical equation.
12. Calculate the relative masses of reactants and products from a chemical equation.
13. Describe the factors affecting reaction rates.
14. Explain the effect a catalyst has on a chemical reaction.
15. Explain chemical equilibrium in terms of equal forward and reverse reaction rates.
16. Apply Le Chatelier’s principle to predict the effect of changes in concentration, temperature and pressure in an equilibrium process.

Chapter 7 – Solutions – Objectives
1. Distinguish between heterogeneous mixtures and homogeneous mixtures.
2. Compare the properties of suspensions, colloids and solutions.
3. Give examples of solutions that contain solids or gases.
4. Explain the meaning of solubility and compare the solubilities of various substances.
5. Describe dilute, concentrated, saturated, unsaturated and supersaturated solutions.
6. Relate changes in temperature and pressure to changes in solubility of solid and gaseous solutes.
7. Express the concentration of a solution as molarity, and calculate the molarity of a solution given the amount of solute and the volume of solution.

Chapter 8 – Acids, Bases and Salts—Objectives
1. Describe the ionization of strong acids in water and the dissociation of strong bases in water.
2. Distinguish between solutions of weak acids or bases and strong bases in water.
3. Relate pH to the concentration of hydronium ions (H3O+) and hydroxide ions (OH-) in a solution.
4. Write ionic equations for neutralization reactions.
5. Identify the products of a neutralization reaction.
6. Describe the composition of a salt.
7. Describe the chemical structures of soaps and detergents and explain how they work.
8. Describe the chemical composition of bleach and its uses.
9. Describe how an antacid reduces stomach acid.
10. Identify acidic and basic household products and their uses.
Chapter 21 – Planet Earth – Objectives
1. Identify Earth’s different geological layers.
2. Explain how the presence of magnetic bands on the ocean floor supports the theory of plate tectonics.
3. Describe the movement of Earth’s lithosphere using the theory of plate tectonics.
4. Identify the three types of plate boundaries and the principle structures that form at each of these boundaries.
5. Identify the causes of an earthquake.
17. Distinguish between primary, secondary and surface waves in earthquakes.
18. Describe how earthquakes are measured and rated.
19. Explain how and why volcanoes occur.
20. Describe the different types of common volcanoes.
21. Identify the three types of rock.
22. Explain the properties of each type of rock based on physical and chemical conditions under which the rock was formed.
23. Describe the rock cycle and how rocks change form.
24. Explain how the relative and absolute ages of rocks are determined.
25. Distinguish between chemical and physical weathering.
26. Explain how chemical weathering can form underground caves in limestone.
27. Describe the importance of water to chemical weathering.
28. Identify three different physical elements that can cause erosion.

Chapter 10 – Motion – Objectives
1. Explain the difference between motion and a frame of reference.
2. Relate speed to distance and time.
3. Distinguish between speed and velocity.
4. Solve problems related to time, distance, displacement, speed and velocity.
5. Explain the effects of unbalanced forces on the motion of objects.
6. Compare and contrast static and kinetic friction.
7. Describe how friction may be either harmful or helpful.
8. Identify ways in which friction can be reduced or increased.
Chapter 11 – Forces – Objectives
1. Identify the law that says that objects change their motion only when a net force is applied.
2. Relate the first law of motion to important applications, such as seat belt safety issues.
3. Calculate force, mass and acceleration by using Newton’s second law.
4. Explain that gravitational force becomes stronger as the masses increase and rapidly become weaker as the distance between the masses increases, F = G (m1m2  d2)
5. Evaluate the concept that free-fall acceleration near Earth’s surface is independent of the mass of a falling object.
6. Demonstrate mathematically how free-fall acceleration relates to weight.
7. Describe orbital motion as a combination of two motions.
8. Explain that when one object exerts a force on a second object, the second object exerts an equal force in size and opposite in direction on the first object.
9. Show that all forces come in pairs commonly called action and reaction pairs.
10. Recognize that all moving objects have momentum.
Chapter 12 – Work and Motion – Objectives
1. Define work and power.
2. Calculate the work done on an object and the rate at which work is done.
3. Use the concept of mechanical advantage of various machines.
4. Calculate the mechanical advantage of various machines.
5. Name and describe the six types of simple machines.
6. Discuss the mechanical advantage of different types of machines.
8. Recognize simple machines within compound machines.
9. Explain the relationship between energy and work.
10. Define potential energy and kinetic energy.
11. Calculate kinetic energy and gravitational pull energy.
12. Distinguish between mechanical and nonmechanical energy.
13. Identify and describe transformations of energy.
14. Explain the law of conservation of energy.
15. Discuss where energy goes when it seems to disappear.
16. Analyze the efficiency of machines.

Chapter 13 – Heat and Temperature – Objectives
1. Define temperature in terms of the average kinetic energy of atoms or molecules.
2. Convert temperature readings between the Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin scales.
3. Recognize heat as a form of energy transfer.
4. Investigate and demonstrate how energy is transferred by conduction, convection and radiation.
5. Identify and distinguish between conductors and insulators.
6. Solve problems involving specific heat.
7. Describe the concepts of different heating and cooling systems.
8. Compare different heating and cooling systems in terms of their transfer of usable energy.
9. Explain how a heat engine uses heat energy to do work.

Chapter 14 – Waves – Objectives
1. Recognize that waves transfer energy.
2. Distinguish between mechanical waves and electromagnetic waves.
3. Explain the relationship between particle vibration and wave motion.
4. Distinguish between transverse waves and longitudinal waves.
5. Identify the crest, trough, amplitude, and wavelength of a wave.
6. Define the terms frequency and period.
7. Solve problems involving wave speed, frequency, and wavelength.
8. Describe the Doppler effect.
9. Describe how waves behave when they meet an obstacle or pass into another medium.
10. Explain what happens when two waves interfere.
11. Distinguish between constructive interference and destructive interference.
12. Explain how standing waves are formed.
Chapter 15 – Sound and Light – Objectives
1. Recognize what factors affect the speed of sound.
2. Relate loudness and pitch to properties of sound waves.
3. Explain how harmonics and resonance affect the sound of musical instruments.
4. Describe the function of the ear.
5. Explain how sonar and ultrasound imaging work.
6. Recognize that light has both wave and particle characteristics.
7. Relate the energy of light to the frequency of electromagnetic waves.
8. Describe different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.
9. Explain how electromagnetic waves are used in communication, medicine, and other areas.
10. Describe how light reflects off smooth and rough surfaces.
11. Explain the law of reflection.
12. Show how mirrors form real and virtual images.
13. Explain why objects appear to be different colors.
14. Describe how colors may be added or subtracted.
15. Describe how light is refracted as it passes between mediums.
16. Explain how fiber optics uses total internal reflection.
17. Explain how converging and diverging lenses work.
18. Describe the function of the eye.
19. Describe how prisms disperse light and how rainbows form.

Chapter 16 – Electricity -- Objectives
1. Indicate which pairs of charges will repel and which will attract.
2. Explain what factors affect the strength of the electric force.
3. Describe the characteristics of the electric field due to a charge.
4. Describe how batteries are sources of voltage.
5. Explain how a potential difference produces a current in a conductor.
6. Define resistance.
7. Calculate the resistance, current, or voltage, given the other two quantities.
8. Distinguish between conductors, superconductors, semiconductors and insulators.
9. Use schematic diagrams to represent circuits.
10. Distinguish between series and parallel circuits.
11. Calculate electric power using voltage and current.
12. Explain how fuses and circuit breakers are used to prevent circuit overload.

Chapter 16 – Magnetism – Objectives
1. Recognize that like magnetic poles repel and unlike poles attract.
2. Describe the magnetic field around a permanent magnet.
3. Explain how compasses work.
4. Describe the orientation of Earth’s magnetic field.
5. Describe how magnetism is produced by magnetic currents.
6. Interpret the magnetic field of a solenoid and of an electromagnet.
7. Explain the magnetic properties of a material in terms of magnetic domains.
8. Explain how galvanometers and electric motors work.
9. Describe the conditions required for electromagnetic induction.
10. Apply the concept of electromagnetic induction to generators.
11. Explain how transformers increase or decrease voltage across power lines

This is not cast in stone, but we will try to stick by it as much as possible.

Grading and other Classroom Policies
Class work will be given daily. This will in the form of exercises designed to further your understanding of the class material. This may be done individually, in pairs or groups as the assignment calls for it. Class work is worth 5-20 points depending on the length and difficulty of the assignment.
Homework assignments will be given, but they will be short and based on that days notes and/or that nights readings.
Quizzes will be given weekly on Fridays and returned graded so that they may be used as a study aid for exams. The lowest quiz score of the semester will be dropped as any of us can have a bad day. I reserve the right to set pop quizzes at any time, so please keep up with the material. Most quizzes are worth 15 points.
Section Exams are worth 100 points.
Labs – some demonstration and some hands-on. Lab reports are to be written up in format and submitted on time. They will be worth 5-10 points depending on the length and difficulty of the assignment.
Make-up Work- It is your responsibility to make up all missing work and to follow protocol if you are to receive full credit for your work. Make-up work is only made available to students who have an excused absence from class.

Comprehensive Final Exam will count as 10% of your final semester grade.

Classroom participation is the key component of the learning experience. I encourage thoughtful questions, comments and pertinent tangents. The sciences have a language all their own and discussion is the best way to develop fluency. Please bear in mind that participation need not be verbal. Active listening is participating. We are here to learn, and apply what we learn to the real world. Notes will be taken by the students based on lectures, presentations and demonstrations.

This course satisfies one of the three science credits required for high school graduation.

Some Advice
The use of calculators is encouraged for this class (yes, even on quizzes and exams). Please get a calculator (they are available in most discount stores for a reasonable price) and learn how to use it properly. Show your work whenever possible. Process is more important than a correct answer many times and I will give partial credit if you make one small blunder in a string of calculations.

I encourage you to pay attention, take good notes and study hard. The vocabulary and memorization can be best handled with the use of handouts, notes, graded quizzes and hand-made flash cards. If you have questions or difficulty understanding a concept, please ask me to explain. I am here to help.

Classroom Rules
All students are expected to follow school rules as outlined in the Cambridge-South Dorchester High School Student Handbook. Classroom rules that are stressed in this classroom are:
1. Arrive at class on time – be equipped and ready to learn.
• This means be in your assigned seat when the late bell rings, have all class materials out and wait quietly for instruction.
To be prepared for class have the following every day:
 3 ring binder (1” or larger) with loose leaf paper for notes
 Sharpened pencils and/or pens
2. Keep your hands feet and objects to yourself.
3. Follow directions the first time they are given.
4. No cursing or teasing.
5. If you wish to address the teacher or the class please raise your hand and wait to be called upon.

The main thing is, don’t panic. I want you to do well and to come away from this prepared for whatever future science classes throw at you.

I want you to think scientifically! Making your own luck requires hard work! Exercise those neural pathways!